jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

lanzamiento de cortometraje de HIERRO en el museo de ciencias naturales de Barcelona

Para ver la película completa (6’40”) oprima AQUÍ

Para ver la secuencia coreografica final oprima AQUI

El domingo 27 de marzo abrió el Museu Blau, la nueva sede del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona en el espacio del Forum.

HIERRO presenta en el hall de la entrada principal un nuevo cortometraje hecho en técnicas mixtas.

Free entrance till June 30th!

Museum director, Anna Omedes, tells us about the new Blau Museum:

The Museu Blau brings together the traditional natural history museum with its collections, and the new facilities that present an overall view of Nature, encompassing all the disciplines of the natural sciences. In addition to displaying minerals, rocks, fossils and animals, the exhibition here will give us a close-up of microbes, fungi and algae.

The museum layout and amenities have been entirely renewed and include leading-edge interactive and audiovisual resources. These museographic techniques will also enable us to keep updating and extending the various exhibition areas in order to give visitors a fuller picture of the biological and geological concepts in each field, and to provide them with the tools for deciding just how far they want to delve into each subject.

press HERE to read the hole interview


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